10 mukhi rudraksha online, buy 10 mukhi rudraksha online



10 Mukhi Rudraksha Das Ten Mukhi Rudraksha is a Rudraksha with ten Mukhas or ten natural lines. It is said to represent the Lord Vishnu, who according to Indian mythology is the preserver of the entire Universe. Ten faced Rudraksha acts like a shield against adversities, the wearer feels protected and secure. Ten faced Rudraksa is Visnu and removes all the tears and troubles due from planets, evil powers and snakes.

By holding the Ten faced Rudraksha has various advantages can be obtained.

1- From wearing the 10 faced Rudraksha fame, wealth, fame and prestige in the society is derived.

2- Wisdom discretion and memory is very useful in speeding up the 10 mukhi Rudraksha.

3- People who become victims of untimely illnesses must ten faced Rudraksha should hold them.

4- To avoid the side effects of nine planets to hold ten faced rudraksha is considered very auspicious.

5- Das muki Rudraksha works with a variety of armor, it could become sore sight sorcery-empiricism etc. It protects from negative energy.

How can wear 10 Mukhi Rudraksha

Taking Ten faces Nepali Rudraksha wash it with the Ganga water and wear it.

Experienced Pandits can do this worship Mantra Siddhi or charged. Please give me know all your details for chanting 10 Mukhi Rudraksha.

Note: We give you 100% Original Best Quality Nepali 10 faced Rudraksha at the best price possible! If you are not happy with the 10 Mukhi Rudraksha. Your shipping cost will also be return.

**Order Only For Online Payment or Money transfer in account (No cash On Delivery Option)


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Dharmik Shakti was Start 19 Nov 1998.Dharmik Shakti Sales Genuine Rudraksha Beads , Certified Gemstones, Pure Shankh, Rudraksha Mala, Religious Yantra, Religious Pendants & kavach and all types of Religious Products at reasonable prices to people worldwide. Dharmik Shakti continuously enhances knowledge on the properties of this bead based on past researches and experiences of people.The only Organization which provides High quality Rudraksha Beads and All Types Religious Products which have been 100% Guaranteed and certified. I am Pandit & sell only Original Products. Hindu Rituals Procedures that has been done by me for ENERGIZING (Pran Prathistha) of Rudraksha , Shankh, Yantra ,Kavach & Pendants before being sent to our clients. Hence you can directly start wearing the Rudraksha as soon as you have received them.

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